Sunday 3 November 2013

Diwali Special : Men's edition and Contest

Good morning my gulab jamuns ,first of all I had like to wish you all a very happy diwali .May you have a prosperous and joyous year ahead.
India follows a pattern when it comes to party ,I couldn’t help but relate to this post on Hindustan Times,”
Get dressed, drive through insane traffic, arrive at party, have a great time (hopefully), drink a lot, go home, crash. And get ready for the next one. Partying gains a completely new meaning during the festive season. Diwali do’s are like parties on steroids: overdressed, marigold-choked. But there are many different kinds of parties. And if you are looking on how to survive them. Read on here :anatomy of diwali parties "

On the this opportunity I would also like to announce a diwali hamper giveaway for the best dresses.The contest is open to all  provided you are citizens of India and above 16 .Start sharing your pictures on the wall with your name ,age and what did you do this diwali ?

As for those of  you mundas that are still hunting for that perfect last minute outfit to impress the ladies or your boyfriends .
Here's a quickie. Before I get too deep into a conceited and poisonous rant about the lack of festival fashion for guys, I will make one submission  I had hordes of men asking me where all the men’s clothing was. Some pointer to remember while choosing your ensemble for the evening:

Your best bets are tailored or customised clothing; you know you can never go wrong with them. But fret not if you haven’t decided already start digging into your dad & grandfather closet. Certainly that bow-tie from 60's or those Nehru jackets are your best festival finds.

We all do things at  festivals we regret, please Make sure your choice of footwear doesn't compact the shame of having a snooze  Whether it's a trusty pair of Vans, uber-comfortable sneakers or stylish-yet-still-practical leather sandals, protect your feet with closed-in shoes. You can never be too careful when it comes to fire-crackers.

Now some quick outfits Yashvardhan put together for you guys :

Outfit 1: Put your look together with a nehru jacket/waist-coat and square chief.

Outfit 2: Stick with that basic kurtas of yours, don’t limit borrowing clothes just to father and fore fathers,
we suggest go raid on your sisters patialas and give your look an traditional touch with mojhris or kolphuris.I suggest you can even get away with a lungi here(Risk wearing lungis only of your not handling crackers :P )

Outfit 3: Go back to BLACK if everything fails. A suit can never go wrong and if its’ black even better. This outfit will take you places and the transition is super easy for those hopping at several parties tonight.

Outfit 4 : That sherwani has been sitting there too long at the back of your closet ,time to show it a l’il love.Pair it up with denims if you find the churidar pants too restricting. This is your chance  to go high on bling factor.

We hope you have a rough idea running through your head what to wear .My OOTD post coming up next.Stay safe and stay chic!


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